Monday 12 August 2013

Thank you all for your kindness and generosity.

Dress A Girl Australia wants to say thank you very much to the following groups of people who are helping a lot in making it more possible for the Ladies of Kapunda Sewing Group to keep on making a difference to the lives of disadvantaged children around the world. For making the dream of every disadvantaged girl in the world to own at least one dress a reality and not just imaginary for every girl deserves to own at least one.

First on the list is the Tabor Lutheran Ladies Guild of Tanunda for the bundles of beautiful fabrics they have donated for the Ladies of Kapunda to make into dresses and possibly quilts for the scraps.

To the Robertstown Senior Citizens for the bundles of beautiful fabrics they donated to the ladies and for their generous donation of $100.00 which the ladies used to order for 100 pairs of undies from "Karens shoes" and thank you to Karen's Shoes for their support.

And last but not the least to The Robertstown General Store owned by Merv, Cheryl and Rhonda Lehman for their donation of 26 pairs of  shorts for the boys.

Thank you everyone for your unwavering support of Dress A Girl (Around the World) Australia. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. It is very much appreciated. Thank you.

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